Sunday, December 16, 2012

As I usually do in my spare time I was surfing the internet looking at some fly fishing videos. Due to classes ending, I have now gained more time than I know what to do with.  However, this time is well spent on learing new techniques, and dreaming of that one trip that I would give anything to take. While watching a few videos I found one that really caught my eye, and is something that I have always wanted to do. I currently live in TN, but I am originally from Southwest Ohio. Where I grew up we did not do a whole lot of trout fishing, we mostly fished for panfish. But after visiting family in upstate NY, I was hooked on trout. Since this day, I always wanted to head back to Ohio for the Lake erie steelhead run. Check out this great video, and who knows maybe I will be posting some new pics of me pulling in some steelhead.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

So here it goes........again!

Well, so here we are again! I know it's been don't even go back and look at the last post date. I am going to try this one more time and hopefully we can come up with enough interesting BS to post on a frequent basis. My main goal is just to put out some of the best info that I have found, and hopefully someone else will think its pretty cool also. Here are a couple of brothers that have some really great videos of fishing and some extreme skiing. Check it out!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pictures from the Smokies....

So it's been awhile since I've made any posts. Things have been quite hectic with a new job and kids going back to school. However, I have been able to get out and have taken a couple of trips into the mountains on the past few Sundays. I plan on sticking to this rountine, and will definately get some new pictures and maybe even a few reports from a couple of different areas in the park.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

West Prong 7/20/2010

Fished the West Prong of the Little Pigeon today. Water was moving a little faster than  usual due to the rain we received the past few days.....but nothing that couldn't be handled. Fished for about 2 hrs brought three to hand and got pictures, but the 4th came off as soon as I reached down to grab him. Go figure that was the largest of the 4.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Road Prong

Here are a few earlier pic of my very first fishing trip to the Smokies.Had a great time but didn't snap that many pics....sorry. All the fish were caught on a dry fly with a dropper set-up, all coming on the dry fly. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clear Creek State Park

Today was a tough day to say the least. First off, Clear Creek is a very small, lightly stock stream located in southern Ohio. I have only fished it one other time. Definately not a big producer, and most will not even try to fish it because of this reason. Safe to say I got skunked, but it still felt good to get out. The upside of this outing is that 1. It's close to my house and 2.It's one of the most scenic areas in all of Ohio. Here are some of the pictures....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mad River, Urbana, Ohio .....Early November

Just wanted to post a couple of pictures that I took in early November. The pictures are from two differnt trips. Also threw in a couple pictures of the river. Enjoy!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pictures for the West River in Vermont...

Sorry, no fish. Fished there before, and wanted to come back and take some pictures of the scenery.